SILVERRUN - More than SQL and NoSQL Design

SILVERRUN Business Architecture Tools include an open and flexible SQL and NoSQL database design tool as well as interfaces to legacy systems. It does not only support leading database management systems and application development environments with powerful bi-directional interfaces, but allows to synchronize models with corresponding databases. In particular, SILVERRUN provides tools for conceptual and logical data modeling as well as physical database design.

Standard Interfaces


Cassandra included
DB2 for z/OS included
Informix included
Ingres included
Interbase / Firebird included
MariaDB included
Microsoft Access included
Microsoft Azure included
Microsoft SQL Server included
MySQL included
Neo4j included
Oracle included
Postgres included
Progress included
Sybase included
Teradata included
Other DBMSs available

Business Information Maps / Business Data Glossaries

Ellie       included

Development Systems

Uniface included

Enterprise Applications

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne available on demand
PeopleSoft Enterprise available on demand
SAP available on demand
Siebel available on demand
Other enterprise applications available on demand

Modeling Tools

ERwin (erwin) available on demand
ER/Studio (IDERA) available on demand
PowerDesigner (SAP) available on demand
Other data modeling tools available on demand

Interfaces On-Demand

SILVERRUN's customizable import / export functionality allows to exchange metadata with nearly every other third-party tool.

In case you have not found your target environment listed above, Grandite will be pleased to inform you about possibilities for additional SILVERRUN interfaces. Please contact us here.